Sunday, March 17, 2013


This was just a project due for class. These are real pictures of an island, but everything else is made up.

rename your island

The new name of my utopian island is Xiao (shou). It means laugh in chinese. It fits my island perfectly because it's all about being happy. Laughter is something that comes naturally when you're happy. On my utopian island Xiao, happiness is very important.


 To me perfect is something that either makes you happy, makes the Lord happy, or helps somebody in need. Doing something that you enjoy doing is perfect. Praising the Lord is perfect. Helping the needy is perfect. A perfect place for me is somewhere that has sports, a good religion, and is a place where everybody cares about one another. It's a place full of good people.

travel brochure


This is the Christian flag. It is the flag of my utopia. It stands for honor in Christ, and not being ashamed of the Lord. Christianity is important in my utopia. Without the Lord, nobody would be living today. I think it is very important that you praise God in all you do, and that is why the flag of my utopian island is the Christian flag.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My utopian logo is simple. It's a smiley face. It shows that happiness is key to a good life. If you are in my utopia, you are going to be happy. Happiness is an important part of my utopia. If you are not happy, that means that you are worries about something or sad. You always feel better if you are happy. That is why mu utopian island's seal is a smiley face.


The motto for my utopian island is HAKUNA MATATA. It means no worries, and on my island there are no worries. It's all about cutting loose and having fun. Life is too short to not have fun. There is no such thing as stress in my utopia. All you have to do is relax and enjoy life. That is what my island is all about.