Saturday, March 16, 2013

architecture and growth

My utopian island is by itself in the middle of the ocean away from evrything bad in the world. It is peaceful. It is also clean. There is no pollution in the air or water, and all of the energy comes from natural resources. The climate of the island is perfect. Itis not too hot and not too cold. It rains about twice a month, but never storms. The temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round. Protection from other places isn't needed because the island is hidden from everything. It is fairly small, with few people living on it. Palm trees cover about 1/6 of the island, and the whole island is covered in sand. There are no roads or cars to pollute the air. Instead, everybody walks or rides bikes everwhere they go. You never have to travel very far to get to where you want to go.


  1. "My utopian island is by itself in the middle of the ocean away from evrything bad in the world."

    I want to tell you something. I feel sorry for clay pots. They are formed from clay, and put through intense heat. They are probably yelling "let me out please!". Their maker says not yet. Then its maker put this strange smelling paint on it. It still asks the maker to stop, only to hear the same response. Then, IT SUFFERS AN EVEN LONGER AND MORE INTENSE HEAT. It begs and cries for its maker to take it out. The maker says not yet. Thus the life of a clay pot. But, in the end, it becomes a very beautiful pot.

    1. Maybe he's saying that because of the trials we persevere, we become beautiful despite the pain.
