Sunday, March 17, 2013


This was just a project due for class. These are real pictures of an island, but everything else is made up.

rename your island

The new name of my utopian island is Xiao (shou). It means laugh in chinese. It fits my island perfectly because it's all about being happy. Laughter is something that comes naturally when you're happy. On my utopian island Xiao, happiness is very important.


 To me perfect is something that either makes you happy, makes the Lord happy, or helps somebody in need. Doing something that you enjoy doing is perfect. Praising the Lord is perfect. Helping the needy is perfect. A perfect place for me is somewhere that has sports, a good religion, and is a place where everybody cares about one another. It's a place full of good people.

travel brochure


This is the Christian flag. It is the flag of my utopia. It stands for honor in Christ, and not being ashamed of the Lord. Christianity is important in my utopia. Without the Lord, nobody would be living today. I think it is very important that you praise God in all you do, and that is why the flag of my utopian island is the Christian flag.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My utopian logo is simple. It's a smiley face. It shows that happiness is key to a good life. If you are in my utopia, you are going to be happy. Happiness is an important part of my utopia. If you are not happy, that means that you are worries about something or sad. You always feel better if you are happy. That is why mu utopian island's seal is a smiley face.


The motto for my utopian island is HAKUNA MATATA. It means no worries, and on my island there are no worries. It's all about cutting loose and having fun. Life is too short to not have fun. There is no such thing as stress in my utopia. All you have to do is relax and enjoy life. That is what my island is all about.

architecture and growth

My utopian island is by itself in the middle of the ocean away from evrything bad in the world. It is peaceful. It is also clean. There is no pollution in the air or water, and all of the energy comes from natural resources. The climate of the island is perfect. Itis not too hot and not too cold. It rains about twice a month, but never storms. The temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round. Protection from other places isn't needed because the island is hidden from everything. It is fairly small, with few people living on it. Palm trees cover about 1/6 of the island, and the whole island is covered in sand. There are no roads or cars to pollute the air. Instead, everybody walks or rides bikes everwhere they go. You never have to travel very far to get to where you want to go.


My utopian government is ruled by different branches of people. The people have to be elected by citezens of my utopia. There is a law passer, which is like a president. That person approves laws and makes some decisions that will help communities on the utopian island. Every decision that is made has to be voted on by the people of the island. If more than 1,000 people are against the desicion, it will not be passed. The law passer(president) has to be a Christian in order to rule.  Anoter branch of government is the law makers. They make laws that they think will be good for the island in hopes of the law passer approving it. If the law passer approves it, it is to be voted on by citezens of the island. If you are old enough to understand laws, you can vote. I allow people to vote on everything so the law passer doen't try to gain a lot of powr over the island. I want everybod o be equal, and I don't want one person too have so much power. The laws on my island is the ten commandments. Some other laws state that you can't drink or do drugs. You also can't drive until you are 15. If you break any laws you are either sentenced to time in jail or a payment to the goernment. I understand that people make mistakes, so depending on what you do, you can get second chances. Everything is fair.There are policemen that  make sure people do the right thing. If they don't see that you did something wrong they can't accuse you for it. My utopian goverment is fair.

Friday, March 15, 2013


a: In my utopian community you can be safe and have fun at the same time. Kids can run around any place without their parents having to worry about their safety. Parents can finally relax knowing their kids are safe wherever they are. No worries and no stress. All you have to do is have fun. Everybody there is more laid back. It make life happier and more joyful not having to constantly worry about safety.

c: No man is more important than any other, and should not be treated any better or worse than the other. Everybody is important in life. No one person makes up something by themselves. Every person is equal.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

street art

      This art represents my utopia because of the creativity and color . My utopia is calm and full of nature , and this picture is full of nature . It shows individuality . In my utopia you get to make your own decisions , and you are mot judged for who you are . You dont have to worry about being different , because in my utopia different is good . be yourself and be colorful .